School Supplies Pens/pencils Rulers School Glue Crayons Colored pencils
Washable markers Folders with prongs and pockets (can be used as notebooks) Backpacks/totebags Construction
paper Erasers Kleenex tissues (Notebooks, paper and spiral notebooks are heavy and will make the postage be
quite a bit.)
Personal Items New or gently worn clothing (all sizes) (no rips, stains or missing buttons,
please) New or gently worn shoes (should be clean and appear new) All sizes of hats, scarves, mittens and coats
All sizes of underwear and socks (new only, please) Chap Stick Purses - made or bought Eyeglass cases
Household Dishes of any kind No cracks or chips Plastic storage containers No stains or cracks
- must have tight fitting lids Pots - pans - canning supplies Either new or VERY clean Potholders Linens -
sheets and pillowcases Dinnerware and serving pieces Metal - clean and not bent out of shape Throw rugs.bath mats
(those floors get cold up there in the winter)
Warm clothing - all sizes and sexes
Shoes and boots Shawls or ponchos Lap robes Christmas items Child safe toys - can be made or bought Adult
gift items Stationary for writing to pen pals (include some stamps) Nice winter clothing Cologne for ladies --
after shave for men Wrapping paper Ribbons and bows Afghans - made or bought Slippers - made or bought Dry
or canned food items Donations of money to Youth Center for groceries
ANYTIME Seasonal appropriate clothing
- all sizes and sexes Shampoo Conditioner Hand/body lotion "Sanitary" items for the ladies Hair brushes/combs
Bobby pins - curlers - hair ornaments Sugar free candy and snacks Washcloths/dishcloths and towels Bath soap
(good smelling) Laundry soap Cleaning supplies Toothbrushes and toothpaste Pens/pencils/crayons/coloring books
Craft supplies Razors and shaving cream After shave lotion Toilet paper Seeds for gardening Flashlights
and batteries Gift cards for Wal Mart or K-Mart
BABY ITEMS Layettes Blankets (light and heavy) Clothing
(new or very clean) Disposable diapers - all sizes Coupons for diapers/wipes Baby bottles
KIDS Board
games Card games Sports equipment Stuffed toys Dolls (should have dark hair) Any child-safe toys Books
- check with the youth center what they need
All Baby items such as sweaters , hats , booties, onsies, bottles, pacifiers, diapers can be sent to the WIC office
at the reservation. Thank you for all of your help and the wonderful work you all do!
Items needed for the Baby Totes:
Bottles and extra nipples
Tote bags approx. 12" x 16 to 18" would also be great!
Items that the Main can use for their after school program:
hair items for girls
foam glider airplanes
metal toy cars
jump ropes
silly puddy
items from the Dollar stores
. The Oriental Trader catalog is great source for shopping!
Oriental Trader Catalog Online!! Click here!